Patients are carefully shortlisted and those who require ERCP are admitted at day care basis at Yashoda Superspecialty Hospital, Kausambi where the founder of the centre Dr Naresh Agarwal is associated. Yashoda Hospital is one of the leading hospitals in this area with all modern facilities like endoscopic ultrasound (EUS, kidney transplantation and cardiac bypass surgery are available. Almost all typed of ERCP (stones in common bile duct, mass and cancer lesion, and bile leak are included in main indication)
After ERCP, in most cases, patimnets are discharged on same evening. CBD stenting is done in almost all cases, which is removed in in a period ranging from 4-6 months.
Care is expected from patients that stent of common bile duct should not be forgotten and neglected because it can get impacted in duct and can create another problems.